Klüber Klüberalfa AM 3-15

Klüber Klüberalfa AM 3-15 Is a High-performance adhesive oil for plastics.


Benefits for your application


– Low lubricant consumption and reliable performance due to the product’s low viscositiy and good wetting of plastic surfaces
– Long service life even when exposed to aggressive media
– Compatible with commercial plastics and elastomers



Klüberalfa AM 3-15 is based on perfluorinated polyether oil and offers good wetting of surfaces. The product excels due to the unusual combination of good low-temperature behaviour with low base oil viscosity and low vapour pressure.




Klüberalfa AM 3-15 is used for applications requiring good adhesion to surfaces, good temperature and media resistance as well as good compatibility with various materials.

Klüberalfa AM 3-15 has been successfully used in metallising processes of plastic films for capacitor production.


Application notes


If applied to metallic surfaces we recommend cleaning the surfaces with 180/210 white spirit and/or Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 before applying Klüberalfa AM 3-15.

Blow the surfaces carefully with clean, dry air after cleaning in order to remove any white spirit residues. Surfaces where
Klüberalfa AM 3-15 are applied shall be free from contaminants.
We recommend contacting our application engineers to ensure maximum service life.
Lubricating oils based on PFPE are generally regarded as neutral towards elastomers and plastics (with the possible exception of perfluorinated rubber).

Nevertheless, we recommend testing material compatibility, especially prior to series application.



